Sunday, May 30, 2010

What the Doctor Said...

Iliotibial Band Syndrome and some hip bursitis as a result. RICE, or rest, ice, compression and elevation and stretching should help alleviate further pain and inflamation.

He said my backing off and resuming strategy was good and I could keep running and walking as long as pain was manageable. He also gave me a referral to their in-house sport medicine specialist if I wanted additional expert advice.

I'll be taking some OTC anti-inflamatories, cross-training and strengthening and massage to the effected area as needed. I was thrilled to run 5.75 miles without pain and found a consistent rhythm and a zone - very slow, but not walking - ha!

A special thanks to Deanna, Katie and Twyla for supporting me along the route yesterday. I love you all!

Team Challenge After the 9 Miler...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Managing Hip Pain...

Last weekend we ran 8 miles at Stanford Loop, which is two trips around the campus west-end. I walked the first loop and jogged slowly through the second. Later that day, my hip was quite sore again.

Overall, each consecutive day feels better. Each week, hurts less, is more generalized and the pain passes quicker. So, I believe I am healing slowly. Tomorrow with be the moment of truth where I verify with an orthopedist exactly the cause and best course of action for the upcoming month and half prior to the race. I may have to walk the entire thing.

Anyway, I will do it. Please wish me luck in this recovery...

Harold, this years official CCFA Honoree for Northern California sent me the sweetest message of encouragement to continue on that closed with a lovely quote from a Persian Poet, "In the hour of adversity, be not without hope, for crystal rain falls from black clouds." I know, with help, I will overcome this painful hip.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

When Danielle is healthy, she plays soccer...

My iffy hip and lesson of getting shoes right

Three weeks ago, I ran four days in a row and it probably wasn't the best idea. My body wasn't ready and I started developing pain in my right hip.

So, I backed off a few days, felt better, then started up again to renewed hip pain. Ouch! I backed off again and decided to investigate new shoes... off to Roadrunners, a complete gait analysis, custom insole and new shoes. Fortunately, I was able to refund/credit my original shoes within their 60-day return policy window - yeah! I then took the remaining week off running and walked 14 miles instead. I hope to start running again this Monday.

Did I mention... my personal goal is to run the entire 13.1 miles. I haven't run a 1/2 marathon in twenty five years. So, I'm raising money to help a group of wonderful people with digestive challenges, including my lovely daughter, plus, on a more personal note, celebrate 25 years with Andras and running in the county (Sonoma) where I used to place in local road races regularly. Deja-vu, maybe, sentiment, absolutely. Who knows, I may run into some of my old, but young at heart, running colleagues. I am so proud to be a part of this entire experience.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Earned Spirit Cape this Week!

The spirit cape is awarded to someone who made a significant contribution over the previous week; either performance, meeting fundraising goals or providing support for others. This week, I earned that award... COOL!

Now, sometime between last Saturday and this up-coming Saturday, I need to find/create/design a graphic for a section of the spirit cape. Then, I'll sign mine and Dani's names to that design and it's ready for the next person.

Dani wanted me to mention her school, UW, for school and team support. However, I hoped to make the design more personal (piece of intestine, red running shorts, angel), or whimsical (life-saver, hot-dog, running-toilet), or maybe I should combine all these wild concepts together into some interesting cartoon figure. Anyway, I have three more days to figure this out.

Running last week went well. I tried running consecutive days. By Sunday, my hip bothered me a bit so I backed off yesterday, plan to cross-train this evening and resume running tomorrow night at Stanford Track.

Dani trains at UW with the women's soccer team and has run up to a maximum of 7 miles at one time. So, we know she's good for that distance. She'll need to up the mileage prior to July. Her per mile pace is significantly faster than mine, so I expect it will be fairly easy when she joins me in June. We can decide then, our strategy to complete the entire course. I can't wait to train with her.