Monday, June 14, 2010

Pleasure at Shoreline...

That's exactly what my fortune cookie said last Friday night, "You will experience pleasure at the shoreline." So, Saturday morning, I woke up to head out to Shoreline "Park" for a 10 mile run. I haven't run 10 consecutive miles in... decades. It was already hot at 8:30 AM when I started off at around 10 min. mile pace with Carrie. The breeze off the water was a saving grace and the beauty of the restored marshlands with flocks of large birds, another bonus. The wind wicked the sweat right off so I didn't feel the burn. Unfortunately, stomach was not very cooperative and I was grateful for the restrooms at the halfway marker. Note to self; no more Chinese food prior to long runs.

Danielle finally returned home after finals last Thursday. She will be joining my training this week. Finally, training together, yeah!